站内有部分针对GS/XG标准或者为特定设备专门制作的MIDI(如SC-88Pro), 一般情况下这类MIDI开头会有一段GS/XG Reset, 有些MIDI会加入对特定设备的MFX/滤波器调整。这些特性虽然很棒, 但是这些需要设备/播放器支持, 否则部分MIDI会被不正确的播放, 且这类消息在针对特定设备制作的MIDI时很常见, 且网站播放器应对MIDI SysEx指令的方法有问题,导致"只要该MIDI带SysEx就停止且无法正常播放"
MIDIs broadly compatible with the Roland GS / Yamaha XG Standard or tailored to specific devices(Like the SC-88Pro) cannot be played back correctly due to the website’s lack of Support for MIDI SysEx messages.
Not to mention how the player handles SysEx Messages, instead of continuing to play the MIDI without the SysEx, it halts.