
如有雷同,就是巧合。 :smiley:
瞎写旋律.mid (707 字节)

Your notes is 67, you are trying too bad notes to learn >:D
The Protection is at 201 notes. Hah, it’s much experience!

What do you mean about 201 Notes?
Although my MIDI does have 67 notes. :joy:

Yes, your notes is experience undone and can’t do more notes. Look tight. Foske Soundtrack’s another song has 11956 notes.

Try to download in it.
Foske Soundtrack’s - Diction (Special).mid (96.7 KB)

Ok I Download it.

If you are ready to see, take an screenshot to send it to Antonbest’s profile and I will see if the message is new. (try; only PFA)